The Legend of St Fiacres
St Faro allowed him as much land as he might entrench in one day with a farrow; Fiacres turned up the earth with the point of his staff, topping and uprooting thorns, and weeds. His unwanted fame as one skilled with herbs, healer and holy man, caused disciples to flock to him.
Our passion is – as the legend of Fiacre says – is to turn the earth and produce vegetables that are rich in nutritional value and goodness. He is the patron of Saint of Gardeners.

(Fruit ~ Vegetables ~ Condiments ~ Wine)
We are a family owned and operated farm in Gippsland Victoria supplying Farm Fresh
products and a selection of cool climate wines from our own vineyard.

Our Food
We value simple real foods and make use of traditional family recipes. Our key ingredients are those that come grown on the farm, which contribute a large percentage of our ingredients. Our Sweet Tomato Relish is a prime example – My husband’s Grandma’s recipe – it took 6 months to perfect it the way that he remembered it. Our preserves have no preservatives and no artificial colours. They are shelf stable and once opened, need to be refrigerated.
We love to be creative and are always exploring new recipes. We are always seeking new produce as to what the Farm can grow and then we try and see what we can create.
St Fiacres Farm
A beautiful farm set in the lush green hills of South Gippsland, St Fiacres Farm grows everything from citrus to vegetables. From there, we turn whatever is grown into produce – preserves, concentrated cordials, sauces and chutneys. We have a hand planted vineyard consisting of cool climate reds – Sangiovese, Shiraz, Grenache and Tempranillo.
With a background in food chemistry, Maria puts her skill into excellent use, extracting every drop of goodness and flavour from her produce into their superior homemade products, which are harvested, chopped, cooked, packaged and labelled by hand, at the farm.
The Krooked Row
We are a small single estate Vineyard in West Gippsland, family owned and operated. We work here. We live here. Our hand planted vineyard was established in 2007. We do everything by hand – growing, picking, making and pruning. We rely on mother nature for irrigation and harvest. Each year’s harvest is different. This is a bonus, being small we can control what style of vintage can be produced.
Our wines go with good times, good conversation and good food. We hope you enjoy it. Grown by Farmer Dave, made with the help of Dr. Folk and the rest by the wife – Maria.

St Fiacres Gallery
Krooked Row Wines Gallery
Latest Recipes

Let’s Discuss Zucchini
This time of year it’s like feast or famine with these green beauties. Here are some ways of preserving your bountiful harvest to enjoy later.

Broad Bean Custard
The broad bean’s short and sweet season is celebrated by Italian home cooks and chefs. Turns the humble bean into something special. Serves: 4 INGREDIENTS:

Pimped Up Spaghetti Bolognese
Here’s a way to pimp up the family favourite Spaghetti Bolognese using St Fiacres Passata Sauce and St Fiacres Sweet Red Capsicum Puree. Serves: 6-8Skill

Stir Fry – Pork or Chicken with a twist, served with rice or noodles.
Stir Fry – Pork or Chicken with a twist, served with rice or noodles.
Markets & Festivals
We are accredited Victorian Farmers Markets (VFMA) and Regional Farmers Markets (RFM) stallholders. With this accreditation, we can attend other VFMA markets in Melbourne and RFM markets in regional Gippsland.
We have strong ethics in supporting our local region and we have been one of many stall holders to start the beginnings of our successful Warragul Farmers Markets (WFM) in West Gippsland. St Fiacres Farm have also been a loyal stall holder for many years where we have participated in many cooking demonstrations and farm visits.
We also attend local Festivals – The Italian Festa in Mirboo North was the beginning for us. We were invited from the start and have not turned back. Another example is the Gippsland Makers Market in Lardner Park, Warragul.
Exposure to Markets and Festivals allow us to share with people our handcrafted products. This is important to us and we enjoy the feedback and loyal support we receive.

Latest News

Lemons, Lemons, Lemons!
Lemons taken for granted, we all have lemon trees in our garden, it’s one of those common fruit trees in most people’s backyards. I love them. I would have disappointed my parents by not planting a lemon tree, and what is a farm without lemon trees?

Farm House Gate Sales
The idea was on the To Do List for some time, but with COVID and the restrictions of not being able to attend local markets and upcoming festivals, we needed to think of other ways to get exposure and show presence.

Liquor License Number: 36143644
It is illegal in Australia to sell alcohol to anyone underage of 18. By placing an order with us you are at least 18 years of age. Remember,
it is an offence to obtain liquor on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years, this includes purchasing alcohol as a gift. We or our couriers,
request some form of ID with proof of age, prior to accepting your order or a time of delivery.